Auto title services are listed below. If have any questions, please visit us at one of our two locations or
Contact Us for assistance.
Original Title:
Title issued to a new owner for the very first time and most commonly issued upon transfer of ownership.
Rebuilt Salvage Title:
A salvage title is issued when a vehicle is wrecked and/or rendered a total loss in an insurance claim. Law enforcement also brands vehicles as salvage when taking title to abandoned vehicles. Salvage vehicles are not road worthy and cannot be driven on public roadways until they are properly inspected by the State Highway Patrol.
Replacement/Salvage Replacement Title:
A replacement title is issued when the current title needs to be updated, or if the title is defaced or destroyed. No transfer of ownership occurs.
Duplicate/Salvage Duplicate Title:
A duplicate title is issued when the current title has been lost, stolen or destroyed. No transfer of ownership occurs.
Rebuilt Salvage Title:
A rebuilt salvage title is issued once a salvage vehicle has been inspected by the Ohio State Highway Patrol office and the inspection report is surrendered to the Clerk of Courts Title Bureau. Once a salvage title has been converted to a rebuilt salvage title, license plates can be purchased and the vehicle can be driven on a public roadway.
Clerk of Courts Schedule of Fees:
Service | Fee |
Original Title | $15.00 |
Replacement Titles | $15.00 |
Duplicate Titles | $15.00 |
Lien Notations (with or without memo) | $15.00 |
Repossession Titles | $15.00 |
Leasing Dealer | $15.00 |
Dealer Resale w/Lien or Lien Notation | $15.00 |
Daily Rental, Company and Vendor | $15.00 |
Salvage with Lien (with or without memo) | $15.00 |
Memorandum Only | $5.00 |
Dealer Resale Titles | $5.00 |
Late Fee | $5.00 |
Archive Fee | $5.00 |
Salvage Titles | $4.00 |
Salvage Replacement | $4.00 |
Inspection Fee | $1.50 |
Affidavit Fee | $1.00 |
Buying your vehicle? Let us help make your titling experience as quick and efficient as possible!
What do I need to do to buy my vehicle?
The Seller must complete the assignment of ownership portion on the back of the title including purchase price, seller’s information, date of transfer and current mileage in the presence of a deputy clerk or notary public. The deputy clerk or notary public will verify that all fields are properly completed, witness the seller’s signature and notarize the document. Once the title is notarized, the seller can present the title to the buyer to finalize the transfer.
Ohio law does not require a seller to obtain a physical title prior to selling their motor vehicle when the title record was previously electronic. Seller must complete the Ownership Assignment and Title Application for Casual Sale form (BMV 3770) in the presence of a deputy clerk or notary public. Upon completion, the seller can present the assignment form to the buyer in order to finalize the transfer. This form only permits the transfer of a motor vehicle defined in ORC 4505.01. Definition of motor vehicle includes manufactured homes, mobile homes, recreational vehicles such as travel trailers or motorhomes, and trailers and semitrailers whose weight exceeds 4,000 pounds. The BMV 3770 form may NOT be used to transfer ownership for ATVs, off- highway motorcycles, watercraft, outboard motors, or any unconventional vehicles (utility vehicles, under speed, and mini trucks) as these are not defined as motor vehicles. In these situations, a paper title must first be issued to the current owner, then it can be signed over to the new owner.
I would like to sell my vehicle, however, my Ohio title is lost,
A duplicate title can be obtained at one of our two Lake County, Ohio Title Offices. A valid government issued identification is required. Dual ownership requires both parties to be presents unless a notarized power of attorney is provided. Title fees apply.
I made an error on my Ohio Title. What do I do?
If an error is made, please do not attempt to alter the title, as doing such will void the title. In many instances a seller can correct an error by completing a sworn affidavit of correction; however, some instances require a title to be replaced. Please call our dedicated Deputy Clerks at line at 440.350.4471 or 440.918.3425 and allow us to assist you in addressing this issue.
I would like to sell my vehicle; however, I have not converted my out-of-state title to an Ohio title. What do I do?
The title can simply be assigned over to the new owner. Please ensure a purchase price is listed on the title or a separate bill of sale is provided. A valid government issued identification is required. Dual ownership requires both parties to be present unless a notarized power of attorney is provided. Title fees apply. An Out-of-State inspection is required and can be obtained by the buyer or seller at any deputy registrar or new car dealership in Ohio.
Selling your vehicle? Let us help make your titling experience as quick and efficient as possible!
What do I need to do to sell my vehicle?
The seller must complete the assignment of ownership portion on the back of the title including purchase price, buyer's information, date of transfer and current mileage in the presence of a deputy clerk or notary public. The deputy clerk or notary public will verify that all fields are properly completed, witness the seller's signature and notarize the document. Once the title is notarized, the seller can present the title to the buyer to finalize the transfer.
Ohio law does not require a seller to obtain a physical title prior to selling their motor vehicle when the title record was previously electronic. Seller must complete the Ownership Assignment and Title Application for Casual Sale form (BMV 3770) in the presence of a deputy clerk or notary public. Upon completion, the seller can present the assignment form to the buyer in order to finalize the transfer. This form only permits the transfer of a motor vehicle defined in ORC 4505.01. Definition of motor vehicle includes manufactured homes, mobile homes, recreational vehicles such as travel trailers or motorhomes, and trailers and semitrailers whose weight exceeds 4,000 pounds. The BMV 3770 form may NOT be used to transfer ownership for ATV's, off-highway motorcycles, watercraft, outboard motors, or any unconventional vehicles (utility vehicles, under speed, and mini trucks) as these are not defined as motor vehicles. In these situations, a paper title must first be issued to the current owner, then it can be signed over to the new owner.
I would like to sell my vehicle, however, my Ohio title is lost, stolen or destroyed. What do I do?
A duplicate title can be obtained at any of our two Lake County Title offices. A valid government issued identification is required. Dual ownership requires both parties to be present unless a notarized power of attorney is provided. Title fees apply.
I made an error on my Ohio Title. What do I do?
If an error is made, please do not attempt to alter the title, as doing such will void the title. In many instances a seller can correct an error by completing a sworn affidavit of correction; however, some instances require a title to be replaced. Please call our dedicated Deputy Clerks at line at 440.918.3425 and allow us to assist you in addressing this issue.
I would like to sell my vehicle; however, I have not converted my out-of-state title to an Ohio title. What do I do?
The title can simply be assigned over to the new owner. Please ensure a purchase price is listed on the title or a separate bill of sale is provided. A valid government issued identification is required. Dual ownership requires both parties to be present unless a notarized power of attorney is provided. Title fees apply. An Out-of-State inspection is required and can be obtained by the buyer or seller at any deputy registrar or new car dealership in Ohio.
If you would like to apply by U.S. Mail, an application can be printed from our web site which is listed under Auto Title Forms. Complete the application and have your signature notarized. Mail your application, $15.00 and a self-addressed stamped return envelope to a Clerk of Courts Title Office.
Why do I need an OHIO title?
In order to register your vehicle and obtain license plates in Ohio, your out- of-state title needs to be converted to an Ohio title.
What do I need to bring?
Physical Certificate of Title
Dual ownership requires both parties to be present unless a power of attorney is provided. Social Security numbers for all parties are required. Photocopies of title is not accepted.
Valid government issued driver’s license or identification card
BMV Out of State Inspection
Lien Release from your lien holder (only applicable if an open lien exists on your title that has been satisfied)
Two Powers of Attorney from lessor (lease transactions only). Must be an original or certified copy. Please also request your leasing company’s federal tax ID and tax exemption numbers (LD# or 99#).
$16.50 title fee (add $1.00 fee per notarization)
We accept cash, check or credit card payments (with a 2.5% fee).
Please make checks payable to: Lake County Clerk of Courts.
What if my lien holder is holding my title?
Simply complete a transfer request form and send it to your lienholder. Forms and instructions are available at our office or on the Auto Title Forms page .
How do I transfer my title?
Visit one of our two Lake County offices. Contact Us for questions.
Mail your forms and check payment to: Lake County Clerk of Courts:
Title Bureau Central: 8804 Mentor Avenue, Mentor, OH 44060
Title Bureau West: 30188 Euclid Avenue. Wickliffe, OH 44092
Mail your forms and check payment to: Lake County Clerk of Courts:
Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the return of your completed title.
Titling Trailers, Travel Trailers, and Campers in Ohio Trailers must weigh over 4000 pounds to be titled in the State of Ohio. The titling process is the same for trailers as a vehicle. Watercraft trailers are usually not titled because of their low weight. Registrations are required for trailers less than 4000 pounds and are issued at deputy registrars. Travel trailers and pop-up/fold down campers are required to be titled in the state of Ohio. They are handled in the same manner as a motor vehicle.
What do I need to sell my manufactured home?
The seller must complete the assignment of ownership portion on the back of the title in the presence of a notary public before presenting it to the buyer. If the manufactured home has not been previously titled, the seller must present proof of ownership to our office and establish an Ohio title in their name before it can be sold.
What steps do I need to take to transfer a manufactured home into my name?
Obtain conveyance fee and transfer stamps by presenting the assigned title to the County Auditor’s Office where the home is located to the, Conveyance Tax stamp; Transfer Section located at the Lake County Administration Building, 105 Main Street, Painesville, Ohio 44077
Obtain a red “taxes paid” validation stamp by presenting the assigned title to the County’s Treasurer’s Office where the home i s located, located at the Lake County Administration building 105 Main Street, Painesville, Ohio 44077 (NOTE: There must be THREE Stamps on the Front of the Mobile Home Title with the current year)
Present your Title to the Clerk of Courts Auto Title office to complete the transfer process.
The Clerk of the External Common Pleas Court in each Ohio County has principal responsibility for issuing motor vehicle certificates of title on behalf of, and in cooperation with, the External Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV), External Ohio Department of Public Safety. A properly issued motor vehicle certificate of title is the primary evidence of ownership of the motor vehicle described in the certificate. In a limited number of circumstances, a judge of the External Common Pleas Court can order the Clerk of Courts Auto Title Division (title office) to issue you a motor vehicle certificate of title. These circumstances include:
When the original certificate of title issued by theState of Ohioor any other state has been lost, destroyed or stolen and a duplicate of that certificate as provided by section4505.12of the Ohio Revised Code is not available from the Clerk or BMV due to a lack of historical title records;
When you have purchased a vehicle but the previous owner has failed, refused or otherwise been unable to furnish you with a properly assigned certificate of title;
When you have been given a vehicle or it has been left in your possession and ownership, but the previous owner has failed, refused or otherwise been unable to complete the transaction by supplying required documents; or
When you are owner of a repair garage or vehicle storage facility who is in possession of a vehicle valued at more than $3,500.00 after deduction of repairs, which vehicle has remained unclaimed by the owner more than fifteen days after notice to reclaim the vehicle. The Ohio Revised Code sets forth specific procedures to follow in instances other than the four listed above. Here are some examples of circumstances with respect to which Section 4505.10 of the Ohio Revised Code does not apply:
When you are owner of a repair garage or storage facility in possession of a vehicle valued at less than $3,500.00 after deduction of repairs, which vehicle has remained unclaimed by the owner more than fifteen days after notice to reclaim the vehicle ( ORC 4505.101 );
When you are the operator of a manufactured home park attempting to remove a tenant’s manufactured home from the home park property ( ORC 3733.091andORC 1923.12 );
When you are a pawn pawnbroker seeking forfeiture and title to a motor vehicle that has not been redeemed by the owner after expiration or breach of the loan secured by that motor vehicle ( 4505.102 ); or
When a motor vehicle, whether a “junk motor vehicle” or not, has been abandoned on private property owned by you; and you do not want title to the motor vehicle, but rather simply want it moved or disposed of ( 4513.60through4513.65 , inclusive). If you believe that 4505.10 of the Ohio Revised Code does apply to your situation, there are certain steps you will need to take before the Court can consider your petition for an Order directing the title office to issue a motor vehicle certificate of title to you.
Required Documentation
A resident of Ohio or a business operating at a specific location within the State of Ohio may apply for an Ohio title for a motor vehicle imported into Ohio from Canada or other foreign countries. Imported vehicles coming into Ohio from Canada and other foreign countries should include all of the following documents:
Bill of sale.
Canadian or foreign title or registration.
External United States Customs Entry Form 7501, stamped and signed verifying that Protection Agency (EPA) document 3520 andU.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Form HS-7have been viewed and approved.
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Form HS-7 stating that the vehicle meets all U.S. DOT safety standards, or, if box (3) is checked, an Original Bond Release Letter from US Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to verify that Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards have been, or will be, met. In addition, if any other box is checked, any additional requirements specified on the HS-7 Declaration form also must be met.
Odometer Statement(s) signed by both the seller and buyer in accordance with federal and Ohio requirements.
Out-of-State Inspection must be completed and signed by an Ohio Licensed Auto Dealer or an Ohio Deputy Registrar Agency.
English translations of all documents written in a foreign language. The foreign documentation must be translated by an accredited institution and submitted on that institution’s letterhead.
Additional Resources
The following resources are provided to provide additional information specific to importing motor vehicles into the
United States:
Ohio BMV or call 614.752.7671
Department of Transportation or call 202.366.5291
U.S. Customs and Border Protection | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (cbp.gov) or call 877.227.5511
Department of Taxation | Ohio.gov or call 888.405.4039
Adding a Beneficiary
An individual, as a sole owner of a motor vehicle, watercraft or outboard motor, may elect to designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to an Ohio title. The beneficiary may be an individual, a corporation, an organization, a trust or other legal entity.
What do I need to add a beneficiary to my title?
Original Ohio Title
Affidavit for designation of beneficiary (BMV 3811)
Application for Certificate of Title
Government issued driver’s license or identification card
$15.00 title fee (add $1.00 fee per notarization)
We accept cash, check or credit card payments (with a 2.5% fee). Please make checks payable to:
Lake County Clerk of Courts.
NOTE: Affidavit for designation of beneficiary and application for certificate of title can be obtained and completed in our office upon the death of the owner. The beneficiary submits the title, a certified copy of the death certificate and proper identification to apply for a title in their name (ORC 2131.13). The beneficiary may receive title transfers without probate court proceedings if none of the items are disposed of by a Will.
Surviving Spouse Transfers
If the owner did not add a beneficiary to their title prior to their death, the surviving spouse may still apply for a Surviving Spouse Transfer.
How do I obtain a title transfer upon death of a spouse?
Surviving Spouse Affidavit must be signed by the surviving spouse and notarized and will include the value of the vehicle. This form will accompany the certificate of title for issuance.
Certified copy of the death certificate.
Provide a government issued driver’s license or identification card
Any number of vehicles may be transferred whose combined value does not exceed $65,000
Odometer reading is not required
No tax or tax form is due
If there is a lien on the decedent’s title that is going to be carried forward, the title may
be issued without; the loan agreement or letter from the lien holder. A memorandum certificate will be issued for
the surviving spouse to obtain license plates.
Can a person take title to a recreational vehicle by surviving spouse?
No, a recreational vehicle is not an automobile as defined in ORC 2106.18.
Can a person take title to a truck by surviving spouse?
Yes, if the truck was used as a conveyance vehicle by the deceased or the decedents family. Commercial trucks such as a Kenworth or Peterbilt cannot be titled by Surviving Spouse.
Can a person take title to a motorcycle by surviving spouse?
Yes, this went into effect on March 23, 2006 in House Bill 246. The decedent must have passed away after March 23, 2006.
Can a person take title to a mobile home/manufactured home by surviving spouse?
No, we cannot title a mobile or manufactured home as it is not an automobile as defined in ORC 2106.18 .